When you are in charge of a meeting or a workshop is it important for you to:
Stand out as a clear communicator with clear messages?
Lead the meeting efficiently?
Facilitate a process or a brainstorm in a way that really generates good ideas?
Make sure that everybody knows what to do afterwards?
This you will learn at my course in graphical facilitation.
The course is based on “how-to-exercises” and a lot of sharing what you draw with the group, in order to share and inspire - one of the great points when drawing: steal with pride!
Pictures help us to see, understand and remember, increase our focus and point out main points and decisions:
A true time saver!
You will be amazed how fast the new skills will show an effect once you decide to implement them in your worklife.
Draw simple icons
Draw a process by combining the icons
Use templates when you are presenting
Listen and draw simultaneously
Basic drawing techniques and guidelines
30 simple icons for graphical facilitation
A selection of templates
Inspiration to move forward
Facilitate a meeting visually
Make visual presentations
Make visual notes
Prices are for courses in Denmark. Ask for other locations.
I will bring all necessary materials so the only thing you need to provide is lunch, snack and coffee. It may be an idea to purchase markers for everyone in order to make it a special treat!
The open course is held in Copenhagen on following adress: Indiakaj 10, 2nd floor, 2100 Cph. East, from 9am to 4pm.
You pay for the open course when you sign up and the registration is binding. Sign up by writing to: lise@lisegrastrup.com
For ordering any of the other educational opportunities give me a call or write me, and we´ll work out the details: 5120 7689, lise@lisgrastrup.com
The prices include transportation in Copenhagen. If the course is held outside Copenhagen there will be an extra price for transportation-time and petrol: 400 dkr. pr. ½ hour + VAT and 3,70 dkr. pr. km.
It is also possible to book a 2-hour follow-up session a few months after the company course: 4.500 dkr. + VAT.
Or you can buy a 2-day company course for: 38.500 dkr. + VAT.
50% Complete
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